The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) is on call every minute of every day to investigate more than 2,600 cases a year. Every report submitted by a uniform deputy is reviewed to determine if it will be assigned to a detective for further investigation. Detectives are also called to the scenes of major crimes to coordinate on-scene investigations.

Every detective in the CID is trained to handle any kind of investigations. Detectives are chosen based on years of experience, as well as demonstrated ability to deal effectively with victims, witnesses and suspects. New detectives go through an intensive in-house training program with a senior detective as mentor. Formal training in investigations are continuous for all detectives while assigned to CID.

Detectives go on to receive extensive training in specialties, including death investigations, crime scene investigations, polygraph, drug and undercover investigations along with interviewing and interrogations. This investment in training ensures that Monroe County has the most highly capable investigators available for any situation.

The Criminal Investigations Division handles a broad spectrum of cases such as:

  • Property crimes: theft, burglary, financial crimes and arson.
  • Personal crimes: assault, battery, robbery, abuse and neglect of children/adults.
  • Sex Crimes: rape, child molestations, voyeurism.
  • Death investigations: homicide, suicide and accidental deaths.
  • Drug investigations: any illegal drugs and emerging drug threats.
  • Pharmaceutical diversion crimes: dealing with prescription fraud, doctor-shopping and related offenses.
  • Juvenile offenses: alcohol offenses, truancy, incorrigibility and curfew violations.
  • Domestic violence crimes: battery, confinement and violation of protection orders.

The CID is overseen by the Chief Deputy and supervised by a Divisional Captain.

Captain Mac Williams
Detective Jason Fillyaw
Detective Dan Schneider
Detective Doug Mills

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Criminal Investigation Division

Criminal Investigation Division

Sheriff Tommy Jones with Detective Doug Mills

Sheriff Tommy Jones with Detective Doug Mills