Visitation Schedule & Rules

When inmates are booked in, they are in quarantine for 5-10 days, due to Covid-19. Unfortunately during this time visitation will not be available. During time out of the cell they will be allowed to make phone calls.

NO VISITATION 11:30AM - 12:30PM 
Visitation is Monday - Friday
8:30am-11:30am   You must be signed in by 11:00am to get your visit.
12:30pm-4:00pm   You must be signed in by 4:00pm or the computer will not let you log in.
Inmates are allowed two 30-minute visits a week.
If you have questions about visitation please contact Wanda or Amanda (423) 442-3911 press 2.
Please call during the hours of 8am - 4:30pm to get the correct visitation information.

When an inmate is booked in we do not release any property until they are released. NO EXCEPTIONS!
