DEA's National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, October 26, 2019. It is hosted locally by:
- Monroe County Sheriff's Office
- Monroe County Prevention & Wellness Coalition
- Wal-Mart.
National Take-Back Day is a safe, convenient, and responsible way to dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs.
You can drop off unused prescription drugs or vaping devices at either of the Wal-Mart locations in Monroe County, Madisonville or Sweetwater, from 10am-2pm on Saturday October 26th.
This is the first time the DEA will be accepting vaping devices and cartridges at any of its drop off locations during Take Back Day. It is important to note that DEA cannot accept devices containing lithium ion batteries. If batteries cannot be removed prior to drop-off, DEA encourages individuals to consult with stores that recycle lithium ion batteries.
The April 2019 Take Back Day brought in 937,443 pounds (468.72 tons) of unused or expired prescription medication.
This brings the total amount of prescription drugs collected by DEA since the fall of 2010 to 11,816,393 pounds. Read more about the most recent Take Back Day totals here.
Check DEA's official Take Back Day website for more information.